Frequently asked questions.

What is The Hourly Uprising?

The Hourly Uprising is a movement (literally!) to reclaim your freedom from the sinister clutches of your chair. Chairs have held us hostage for too long, turning us into their desk-bound minions. Through satirical stories, inspired by real-life chair battles, we’re here to remind you to take a stand, literally. Every hour. For 5 minutes. It’s all part of the larger fight against the evils of sedentary behaviour, with a nod to the Active Break Challenge.

Is this a workout site?

Not in the slightest. You won’t find us shouting “Give me 20 star jumps!” (Though if you feel the urge, who are we to stop you?). Instead, we offer a delightful mix of strategies to help you figure out how to escape your chair for 5 minutes. Whether you fancy a stretch, a stroll, or a spontaneous desk-side jig, it’s your time to break free and move for your health. Choose your escape route, no judgement here.

Why should I join The Hourly Uprising?

Because your body (and probably your sanity) deserve better than becoming one with your chair. If your back’s aching, your waistband’s tightening, and you’re one email away from a full meltdown, The Hourly Uprising is your timely reminder that a 5-minute break might just save the day (or at least your posture).

Who is behind The Hourly Uprising?

Someone who knows the dark side of desk life all too well. After years of being held captive by a chair, enduring musculoskeletal pain, weight gain, and burnout, I decided it was time to fight back. These stories are a humorous reflection of the daily struggle to stay active in a world designed to keep us glued to our seats.

How often should I take a break?

Every hour, like clockwork (yes, literally). Take a 5-minute active break, whether it’s a stretch, a stroll, or a spontaneous dance party. Our 3-minute stories are perfect for your hourly escape and can be enjoyed standing up. Then, when you’ve had your fill of witty wisdom, come back in an hour for another.

Can a 5-minute break really make a difference?

You bet. Science says that even a brief burst of movement can boost circulation, ease muscle tension, and improve your mood. So yes, a mere 5 minutes can change the course of your day. The Hourly Uprising exists to remind you that small actions add up to big results (and fewer chair-induced aches).

Do I need any special equipment to take part?

Nope! You don’t need a yoga mat, dumbbells, or even Lycra. Just your legs, arms, or whatever body part you feel like moving. The beauty of The Hourly Uprising is that it’s all about simple, accessible movement. All you need is the will to stand up and say, “Not today, chair. Not today.”

How can I get involved?

Simple. Start by reading our stories and taking a 5-minute break every hour. If you like what you see (or stand for), come back for more, share the stories with your friends, and join the uprising. Together, we’ll ensure that chairs don’t have the final say in how we spend our workday.