Foiling the Chair’s Masterplan

Ever feel like your chair is trying to claim you as its forever human? Fiona did too—until she got wise to its master plan.

Fiona thought she had figured it all out: work hard, stay focused, and her chair would support her every step—or rather, every sit—of the way. Little did she know, the chair had plans of its own.

For months, her trusty, office chair had been her faithful sidekick in the workday hustle, its constant companionship kept Fiona glued to her seat, promising comfort and productivity in equal measure.

But recently, something had changed.

It started with a slight twinge. Fiona ignored it. Then a little ache in her lower back. Still, she pressed on.

Before she knew it, her back was sending in the soldiers with spikes on the end of their guns to stab her where it hurt.

Yes, the battle was on. And Fiona? She had received the memo: Rebellion in Progress.

It was time to act.

She stood up with determination, stretching her back.  As she walked, the tension melted from her shoulders, and those spiky soldiers of pain retreated. She felt refreshed, lighter, almost human again.

Fiona knew a change had to be made, she was going to have to broker a peaceful end to the conflict.

Fiona’s compromise? A 5-minute break from sitting every hour to get up and move. Revolutionary, right.

As she returned to her desk and sat back down, the chair seemed to shuffle ever so slightly, as if conspiring, waiting for the next chance to strike and claim Fiona as its BFF. 

Sure, Fiona had won this battle, but she knew the war was far from over.

But the chair? It was patient. It could wait.

If you feel like your chair’s plotting an unwanted long-term relationship, maybe it’s time to take action.

Set an hourly reminder. Join the Active Break Challenge, and keep your relationship with your chair on acquaintance terms.


The Sudden Energy Crash